
Paragraph On Save Water Save Life For Middle School Students!

paragraph on save water

Water is the primary essence of life. Though close to 70% of the earth’s surface is covered by water, only 2-2.5% of it is considered freshwater (alternatively referred to as the water that is fit for drinking). From humans to animals to plants, everyone requires water to survive. That’s not all! Production, consumption, and every other activity that occurs on this planet require water for functioning, at some step or the other. However, water conservation is a serious issue and one must look into it with utmost concern. So, what will you note down when asked to write a paragraph on save water? We bring you the right answers! 

In this blog, we will give you the importance of water, and steps you must take to preserve and conserve water for future sustainability. 

Write a save water paragraph 100 words 

paragraph on save water
Image credit: adobe stock photo 

Since ancient times, civilizations have thrived near water (river banks are called the cradles of civilization). This shows how important water is for humans, in their daily life. In order to save water you must – 

  • Use water judiciously at home. Always close taps when not using water plants in the early morning or late evening, use timed showers instead of baths, fill up the dishwasher to maximize usage, repair leaks, and monitor your usage of water for multifarious purposes. 
  • At factories and industrial plants – manage water supply carefully, reduce leakage and uncalled usage, opt for sustainable procedures, and utilize wastewater after treating it. 

Water saver pargarph for school students

Water saver pargarph for school students
Image credit: Sciencing

Water is an indispensable part of human life. Every aspect of human life requires water to function effectively. However, water wastage is another crucial issue that one needs to look into. Already, only 2.5% of water available on Earth comes under the tag of potable water. Therefore, one must conserve that to ensure the regular functioning of life does not stop. Water supports the fauna and flora of the earth and it is crucial to save as much water as possible. 

What are the areas where water usage is maximum? 

  • Households and daily life 

No household chores (from washing clothes to cleaning dishes) are possible without water. Apart from that, watering plants and daily consumption of water are also part of regular water usage. 

  • Industries and production units 

Every industrial unit requires water at different stages of its production level. At times, pure and filtered water (ready to be consumed) is used for processing purposes. The amount of water required in factories is humongous. Also more than often, this water has been wasted due to multiple reasons. 

  • Creating special water drinking areas for animals 

Another key area where water is used is, for creating ‘special water zones’ for the animals to drink water. This is specially created in natural reserves, sanctuaries, and forests where wild animals reside. 

How to conserve water in these areas? 

Here are some hacks that will help you restrict your water usage considerably in the long run. They are – 

  • At home 

You must know how much water to use and where to conserve it. Do not leave the tap running, and use showers (especially the timed ones) for taking a bath. Apart from that, you must buy a water-conserving toilet, and fix any leakage issue. For those of you who have gardens or specially dedicated areas for plants, you must water them either in the morning or in the late evenings as that will conserve more water. To reduce the evaporation levels, you must also use a combination of mulch and bark. 

  • In factories 

The amount of water used in factories cannot be drastically cut down but assuredly can be handled better. So, you can utilize treated wastewater and divert it to those areas that require excessive water during the production process. 

  • Divert the rainwater for other usages 

There are multiple techniques available like – rainwater harvesting, and treating wastewater before use, all of which you can try to ensure more efficient utilization of water and saving water in the long run. 

170 words – Save Water Save Life paragraph

170 words - Save Water Save Life paragraph
Image credit: shutterstock 

Water is a necessity of life, but a World Health Organization report states that – almost 844 million individuals globally do not have access to fresh water. Also, with climate change, and a host of ecological issues cropping up every other day, the world is staring at a massive water scarcity. 

So, how can you save water to help you function in the long run? 

  • Cautiously reduce water usage at home. This means you must stop wastage of water (especially faucets leaking, brushing with the tap open, and not optimally using the dishwasher and washing machine). 
  • The industries where water is required predominantly (cloth and paper industries) must find alternatives to conserve water and optimally utilize it. For that, desalination, treating wastewater, and using proper conservation methods are of prime importance. 
  • Regarding the government’s activities – they can increase concentrated efforts on rainwater harvesting, find out technologies that help conserve water at its origin, water-efficient agricultural systems, build water reservoirs, and undertake river and lake cleansing programs for better utilization of natural water. 

How can the government help to save water? 

Water as you all know is the elixir of life. Though 70% of the Blue Planet is covered with water – from oceans to ice caps, however, water scarcity in today’s times is a real issue. If water is not saved and preserved correctly for usage in the future times, then, assuredly, multiple issues like – health issues (due to lack of freshwater), droughts, famines, and perishing of fauna and flora over the Earth will happen and there will be no way to protect it. 

Though the governments of multiple countries have come up with water conservation programs of their own – India has Jal Shakti Abhiyan, and Namami Gange Programme, the UK has Smart Water Metering Technology, Israel uses desalination process and reutilization of wastewater, Bangladesh has been improving its infrastructure – from creating barrages over the rivers Jamuna and Padma to following The National Policy For Safe Water Supply And Sanitation – every country has been doing their best to improve their water conservation measures. 

However, more is required on their part. From including practical examples of water conservation in educational domains to kickstarting multiple public campaigns to ensure the following of correct water conservation mode – it is important for governments to actively partake in every step of the water conservation strategies. 

It is only when the general individuals are made more aware of the specifics that they will be able to understand the importance of it, become more aware of the impending serious situation regarding the loss of water bodies all over the earth, and be able to bring about a change in their lives, thereby contribute actively to conserving water. 

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