
Food Adulteration Paragraph HSC: Facts That You Must Know!

food adulteration paragraph

If you are in HSC, then you might be asked to write a food adulteration paragraph in your examination. In simple words, it is deliberately altering or contaminating the quality of food by mixing one substance with another secretly. This mostly results in degrading the quality of food and reducing its nutrient value. On the whole, the food becomes unfit for consumption and harms the body rather than benefiting it. 

In this post, we will discuss this issue in detail, so that you have no problem writing on this topic in your exam. 

Food adulteration paragraph for hsc

In most countries, food adulteration is a regular affair. Certain individuals or even groups of people contaminate the food to serve their untoward needs. Multiple under-the-table businesses run on this format and increase corruption in society. 

Say, for example, water is mixed with milk to increase the quantity. But, in the long run, it decreases the nutritional value of milk and even harms individuals consuming it. 

When you are given to write a food adulteration paragraph for hsc, this is one of the key points you must write. 


food adulteration paragraph
Image Credit: Femina


Paragraph food adulteration

When you have to write about food adulteration paragraph, then in that context, you must start the discussion with – the preliminary description of food contamination (which is the intermingling of inferior quality food with the actual food product, that is being spiked). Apart from that, when you write a food adulteration paragraph for hsc in that case, you have to also mention why it is done and also try to comprehend how it is done. The student who is writing it must also notify the concerned people of the negative effects of consuming adulterated food and how it can harm your health adversely. 

After that, you also have to mention what are the legal implications and complications of it all. 

The primary aim of this paragraph food adulteration is to – provide the readers with a complete insight into the associated aspects of spiking foods, which has become a major issue in current times. In this manner, they will be better informed regarding the supposed food that they are consuming and that will give rise to a better-informed group of individuals for the future. 

Food adulteration paragraph in 200 words

In this section, we will discuss the ways in which food is adulterated and what are the negative effects of it. Let us get to the specifics of it all – 

How are the different food products adulterated? 

If someone asks you to write a food adulteration paragraph in 200 words you can always mention – 

  1. To increase the carbohydrate levels of milk, and its overall density, scoops of table sugar are added to milk. Apart from that, water content is regularly increased in water to increase its overall quantity. 
  2. When talking of meat contamination, using organs of different types of meat, or even mixing diseased meat with packed meat is one of the most prominent ways to adulterate the meat contents. 
  3. For general food products or spices (or other condiments) – the major way of adulterating food is – adding preservatives. Whether it is the addition of colors/dyes or the intermingling of spices, there are multiple ways by which these concerned food products can be spiked, before it reaches the market. 


How are the different food products adulterated
Image Credit: Financial Tribune


How can it affect your health? 

When writing a food adulteration paragraph, there’s no way you cannot mention the ill effects of it. For the unversed, the negative effects of consistently consuming spiked food include – 

  • General stomach issues, such as an upset stomach, vomiting, or loose motion. Apart from that, consistent consumption of such adulterated products can lead to major stomach-related issues like – acid reflux, gastrointestinal problems, or even food poisoning (there are ample examples wherein food products have been found to contain Aldrin, DDT, or other toxic chemicals). 
  • If not controlled on time, then continuous consumption of adulterated food can lead to massive cardiac issues, or even neurological issues, if not handled on time. In fact, in today’s times, most long-term lifestyle-related issues are due to food contamination, the effects of which are seen after years together. 
  • Skin diseases and a host of other issues are a result of the ill effects of having adulterated food over time. You might have come across cases of persistent skin illnesses, or such other irritation. Spiked food products are one of the reasons behind the same. 
  • When writing a food adulteration paragraph for hsc, you must include another point which is – cognitive imbalance. Not many people are aware of this fact, but, if not taken care of on time, spiked food products could lead to consistent degradation of the mind. This, in the long run, impacts your ability to think, and results in cognitive imbalance. 
  • Apart from that, multiple pieces of research have shown how – food adulteration has caused long-term health issues like kidney disease and cancer. 
  • Those of you writing food adulteration paragraph 150 words, must also include that pregnant women who consume adulterated food are at the risk of giving birth to stunted children (or those with birth defects). 
  • Also, as you know, elderly people and children are massively affected when they consume adulterated food for a long time period. From the lack of physical and mental development to the critical health issues that elderly individuals face – the spiking of food products must be controlled. 
  • Lastly, you must also note that – food contamination does not directly only affect individuals in general. It also harms the environment (soil, plants, water) which might not show effect immediately, but, in the long run, has critical negative effects on humankind in general. 

These are some of the critical ways by which food adulteration can affect your health adversely with time. 


How can it affect your health
Image Credit: Kashmir Dispatch


Food adulteration paragraph 150 words

Assuming you have been reading till here, you have already understood the concept of food contamination and its range of negative effects. Having said that, it is imperative that this must be controlled in the best possible manner. 

Different countries have their own set of rules and regulations to deal with this adulteration of food products. When someone asks you to write about paragraph food adulteration, especially concerning Dhaka, Bangladesh, then you must note that the regulations are robust. Multiple laws have been framed to deal with this public nuisance and compared to previous times, the spread of it has been controlled significantly. 


Summarising the whole of it, one can surely state that food adulteration is a serious issue that must be controlled more rigidly than it already is. Stringent rules and regulations are required and checks and balances are mandatory for the same. As individuals, we all must work together to stop this nuisance at the earliest. 

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