
Global Warming Paragraph For Students To Easily Understand!

global warming paragraph

Global warming is the steady rise in the overall temperature of the earth. Though the warming of the earth’s surface has been going on for a long time now due to multiple factors, however, the rate of temperature rise has increased in recent times. It is due to the rise in fossil fuel burning and greenhouse gases that has resulted in this high temperature. As a student, when you have to write a global warming paragraph you must mention this specifically. 

Let us now delve into the details – 

Paragraph on global warming 


global warming paragraph
Image Credits- Vivekananda International Foundation



Global warming is the excessive heating up of the atmosphere due to multiple environmental issues like – deforestation, fossil fuel burning, vehicular emissions, volcanic eruptions, and ozone layer cover removal. Due to global warming, the ice caps and glacier zones are melting and the sea level is rising uncontrollably within a short period. It is also affecting the temperatures of the earth and is deliberately kickstarting a massive climate change. 

It is due to this excessive increase in the regular temperatures that has not only affected the atmosphere but also affected the water bodies (oceans are facing massive coral bleach and plankton loss), and agricultural patterns have changed considerably. On the whole, the living of human beings on this planet has become all the more difficult and that is giving rise to multiple other social and economic issues. 

Also, Bangladesh is more affected than the other countries because – geographically it is located in a fragile area. Cyclones and floods were already part of Bangladesh’s climatic system. Due to global warming, the rate of cyclones and floods has increased considerably and that has been ravaging the various communities of Bangladesh. The low-lying areas like the Sunderbans have been facing the brunt of it for a very long time now and that has affected the flora and fauna of that area significantly. 

Paragraph on global warming hsc 


Paragraph On Global Warming Hsc


The World Economic Forum 

When you have to write a global warming paragraph, you must state its definition and the causes behind it – 

Global warming is the sudden and excessive increase in the earth’s temperature within a short period due to deforestation and other harmful activities.

The primary causes behind this are – 

  • Excessive deforestation 

The first cause of global warming is – excessive deforestation. Trees provide a much-layered cover to the earth which helps regulate its temperature. The evaporation and transpiration process of the plants manages the daily temperature standards of the earth and brings in the much-needed cooling element to the atmosphere. 

Due to the excessive cutting of the trees, the atmosphere gets affected, climate patterns change, the ozone layer is harmed and hence the UV rays of the sun directly affect the earth.

  • Greenhouse gases increasing 

Greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrous oxide, HFCs, methane, nitrogen trifluoride, and others contribute to the sharp temperature rise of the atmosphere. The emission of these gases in today’s times has increased significantly and that has resulted in an addition to the already rising temperature figures. 

  • Vehicular emissions 

The excessive use of automobiles, and other polluting means of transport – especially those vehicles with petrol and diesel cause environmental pollution. This results in an increase in the earth’s temperature and finally contributes to global warming significantly. 

  • Fossil fuel burning 

The consistent burning of fossil fuels leads to higher temperature levels in the atmosphere. More than others, it is the burning of coal for a considerable period that enhances the temperature levels within the atmosphere and contributes to global warming. 

  • Natural calamities 

Certain natural calamities like volcanic emissions also increase the carbon dioxide and monoxide levels in the atmosphere. That too results in increased temperature and enhances global warming considerably. 

These are some of the very important causes behind global warming. 

Global Warming 2024 paragraph 

Global warming is a phenomenon wherein the temperature of the atmosphere rises considerably due to certain external factors like – increasing of greenhouse gases, burning of fossil fuels, increased automobile exhausts, deforestation, and natural calamities.  

The effects of global warming are – 

  • Change in climate pattern

Due to global warming, there has been a massive change in the overall climate pattern of the world. To start with, the temperatures have been increasing vehemently (extremes of temperature in many parts of the world, which previously saw balanced temperatures), and there has been a sudden alteration in the monsoon patterns. What’s more, due to these changes in the temperature ranges, the other additional aspects that are based on climate gravely – such as the tourism industry, agricultural practices, and functional patterns on sea and land have changed specifically

  • Altered agricultural patterns 

The change in climate patterns has severely affected agricultural practices in general. The areas where paddy was grown initially, have now shifted to the plantation of other crops. That is not all! Monsoon patterns and the frequency of cyclones, floods, and typhoons have changed visibly. All of these in combination have affected the overall food economy of a place completely ravaging countries and creating artificial famine conditions. 

  • Increased meltdown of ice caps and glaciers 

One of the major effects of global warming is – the increased meltdown of glaciers and ice caps, leading to the sudden rise in water levels (seas and oceans) globally. There are instances from the Arctic and the Antarctic regions of excessive rise in water levels which has severely affected the limited fauna and flora of that part of the world. In fact, more than anything else, this rise of water levels in the poles has actively contributed to the increased sea levels at many places. This again, has affected the fauna worldwide and if not controlled on time, it can massively affect the world climate. 

  • Food insecurity 

Due to excessive climate change, the usual agricultural patterns have been altered. Floods, and other natural calamities have increased considerably and that has led to food insecurity in multiple regions of the globe. This lack of food availability has vehemently affected people of all age groups. 

  • Economic hurdles 

This is another crucial area that one needs to be concerned about. When climates change, agricultural patterns, fishing patterns, tourism patterns, and even import and export patterns change globally. In that case, the economy of the concerned businesses which function on these alters majorly. Hence, it leads to an economic hurdle or meltdown, a factor that has prominently come to the forefront as a side effect of global warming in recent times. In fact, due to global warming, the tourism sector has been affected more than anything else. There are reports from Australia, where coral reef viewing was an important part of tourism and generated a hefty amount of money. Due to global warming, there have been reports of coral bleaching and that has shot down the tourists flocking in these places. Indirectly, that has affected the other horizons of tourism in Australia, and its ‘tourism economy’ has suffered majorly.

It is not just this country, but even other countries have faced such issues, and the likes of it can be seen in the reduced tourist accumulation in parts of Europe which were previously ‘top favored summer/winter destinations.’ 

250 words essay on global warming 


250 words essay on global warming


The Daily Star 

The incessant and uncontrolled rise in world temperature in recent times due to external factors is referred to as global warming. Some of its primary causes are – deforestation, a rise in automobile emissions, fossil fuel burning, natural calamities, and untoward human activities. The most prominent side effects that you get to see as a result of global warming phenomena are – altered climate patterns that result in agricultural backlogs and a sudden drop in the tourism industry, the meltdown of glaciers/ice caps globally, increased medical issues (especially lifestyle diseases), food insecurity and economic hurdles.

However, certain solutions have been provided to control climate destruction and some of them are already in the process of being implemented.

1. Reducing the overall reliance on fossil fuels 

Fossil fuels are best left to the ground. The more coal and other biomass will be dug up, the more harmful it will be to the environment. Thus, the reliance on fossil fuel consumption has to be reduced significantly. 

2. Looking for sustainable resources 

Another key area you need to check out is – looking for sustainable resources, from carpooling to choosing electronic vehicles. Bangladesh is boosting its EV consumption levels. The country is working hard towards reaching the net zero emission goals that the Paris Climate Agreement has laid down for 2050. 

3. Better forest management 

An alteration of the agricultural system and reduction in forest level in the Sunderbans have resulted in – a major loss of cultivation area. The Bangladesh government is planning on better forest management and afforestation techniques. 

On the whole, global warming is a recurring environmental issue that has been creating a major problem globally. The sudden changes in climate patterns have altered the global routine systematically for the worse. Bangladesh has been worst affected among other nations. One needs to find solutions for the same.

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