
Digital Bangladesh Paragraph For Middle School, HSC, SSC Students!

digital bangladesh paragraph

With the globe moving towards the concept of digitalization, Bangladesh too has joined hands. Conceptualized as part of the Vision 2021 Plan, a political manifesto – of the Bangladesh Awami League party headed by the current honorable PM of Bangladesh – Sheikh Hasina, this plan aims to integrate every sector with the help of technology. The key aim of this project is to make Bangladesh into a digitally developed country, at par with its Western powers. So, what points will you concentrate on when given to write a Digital Bangladesh paragraph? We bring the answers for you! 

In this context, we will discuss the key features of digital Bangladesh and the steps that the government has undertaken to fulfill this goal. Additionally, for those of you who have further queries, we will also bring those to the fore. 

Paragraph of Digital Bangladesh in 250 words 

digital bangladesh paragraph
Image credit: the daily star

The concept of Digital Bangladesh simply means – transforming the country into a society based on the utilization of knowledge by leveraging technology. The aim is to turn the country into an advanced economy, by using technology (especially computers) to connect the different sectors of the economy. This concept of ‘Digital Bangladesh’ is part of the current PM of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina’s Bangladesh Awami League’s political manifesto – Vision 2021. Coined back in 2008, the goal that was set was crystal clear – providing the citizens with ICT-based knowledge where information will be available online for one and all. Also, both government and private spheres of work will be governed and processed by using state-of-the-art technology. 

The fundamental reason why this digitalization had become so critical was due to – filling up the loopholes that existed within the country’s service connectivity. With the development and expansion of computer connectivity, the concept of digitalization will come all the more to the fore. This in the long run would assist in reducing the blockages related to any work, upgrade the country’s technical infrastructure, and introduce a sense of responsibility, which gives rise to both accountability and transparency. 

Thus, on the whole, this concept of Digital Bangladesh, an important header of the Smart Bangladesh initiative – would help transform the country into a competitive field. Bangladesh would better connect itself with other countries around the globe – economically, socially, politically, academically, and even culturally. This is considered to be the first step in giving Bangladesh a footing amidst the global superpowers. 

Essay on Digital Bangladesh – 200 words 

Essay on Digital Bangladesh - 200 words
Image credit: dhaka tribune

Digital Bangladesh is a technological concept that spearheads the introduction of technology in different aspects of the social and economic life of Bangladesh. The primary concept comes from the Bangladesh Awami League’s Vision 2021 manifesto which intends to make the developing country – technologically advanced. The idea is to integrate every field with technological support so that the leakages and corruption levels are significantly reduced. 

To start with – the internet infrastructure of the country has to be extensively strengthened. This implies – that every field of the country from agriculture, private sectors, and health, to commercial aspects, and education is interconnected by the utilization of internet facilities. In this way, the people of Bangladesh can technologically connect themselves with the various public and private domains and also ensure that the data available is equitable for every strata of society. 

Another notable factor of this Digital Bangladesh initiative is – the concept of ICT-based operations (the National ICT Policy of 2009). The ruling government of the country aims to provide you with a strong internet infrastructure that will help you stay connected throughout. That’s not all! The ultimate goal of this digitalization process is – the democratization of services and information making it accessible to one and all! 

What is the core development idea of Vision 2021? 

What is the core development idea of Vision 2021
Image credit: Dribbble


As per reports from The Daily Star, the key idea of development is – that after 50 years of independence, 2021 being the benchmark date, the country aims to move into an era wherein – peace and dignity will be the core of life. The country wishes to enhance its prosperity levels, by engaging in technological advancements, most of which are already underway. To spearhead this technical advancement – the National ICT Policy of 2009 was developed and the key idea was to achieve the famed ‘middle income’ status by 2021, which would be a step up towards achieving the ‘developed status’ by 2041. 

From the news obtained, one can also move ahead to state that – as of now, almost 306 action plans have been accepted for the realization of the country’s Vision 2021 outlay plans. 

The core idea of Digital Bangladesh is – to remove the technological backlogs that are there between the government and other agencies with the general public and make the process smoother and more advanced for the citizens. There are multiple short-term, long-term, and even mid-term policies that this South Asian nation has been looking at. The special emphasis in all these cases has been on the application of digital technology to ensure that transparency is maintained and corruption levels are checked. 

Digital Bangladesh paragraph HSC 


Digital Bangladesh paragraph HSC
Image credit: linkedin

The Digital Bangladesh Vision – declared by the honorable PM of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina on December 12, 2008, as part of her party’s political manifesto – Vision 2021 is a story of – resilience, sustainability, and transformation. The idea is to bring about an equilibrium, wherein economic, social, and educational barriers, will be removed. The idea is to reduce the ‘digital divide’ that separates people by class and provide access to digitized services to every citizen of the country. 

The declaration that was made in 2008 stated that – as the country completes 50 years of independence in 2021, the idea was to move forth and make it more digitally advanced with adept development of human resources and better infrastructural support. 

The Daily Star clearly puts forth in its reports, that the 50 years of independence would raise the country’s bar to the ‘middle income’ Digital Bangladesh format. The idea that was put forth by the architect of the concept of Digital Bangladesh – Sajeeb Wazed Joy, was – knowledge-based technology, which was the driving force behind this advanced technical infrastructure that the country aims to achieve. A strategic roadmap has been created with the aim of changing the citizen’s fate wherein ICT will be the driving force, for enhancing efficiency and innovation throughout the country. 

The primary pillars of this concept of Digital Bangladesh are – digitalizing the government, improving infrastructure and connectivity, enhancing the development of human resources, and promoting the ICT industry. 

Based on these key features, as of now the advancements that have been made are – 

  • Compulsory studying of ICT from Class 6-12
  • Creation of Sheikh Russel Digital Labs 
  • Development and adoption of – AI, Internet of Things, 4th Industrial Revolution, Blockchain and Robotics 
  • The fundamental concepts – Smart Society, Smart Economy, Smart Government, Smart Citizen 

Thus, the Bangladesh government aims to ensure that through its Digital Bangladesh Initiative, it can connect more with the people and enable it to enhance the country’s status amidst the competitive global domain. 

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