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Sugar is everywhere. In principle, it is a simple food that does not spoil. It is hidden in foods and sugary drinks. Its reputation is bad, but it’s not “bad” in itself – it’s just the quantity and the fact that you can hardly avoid it. If you want to check facts about Vave we recommend


1. beet sugar, cane sugar, and raw cane sugar

The most common sugar in our country, “beet sugar”, comes from sugar beet and consists of 100% sucrose. Cane sugar is also 100% sucrose and differs from beet sugar only in that it is obtained from tropical sugar cane instead of domestic sugar beet.

To obtain sugar from beet or cane, many industrially complex steps have to be taken. First, beet or sugar cane is crushed and juiced at a temperature of at least 70°C. This raw juice is then mixed with lime. This raw juice is then treated with lime, carbon dioxide, and filters to remove unwanted substances such as proteins or minerals.

White sugar can come from both sugar beet and sugar cane. Through further slow heating, the raw juice is thickened until crystals form. This is the so-called raw sugar with the characteristic yellow-brown color. To turn it into beautiful white granulated sugar, the sugar crystals are dissolved and crystallized again and again. This process takes up to eight hours and is called refining, which is why white sugar is also called refined sugar. It does not matter which plant it comes from. Cane sugar can also be refined and thus form white crystals.

100g of sugar contains 400 calories and no vitamins. It is a misconception that brown sugar is healthier per se, as the color alone says nothing about the quality of the sugar. Sugar is often simply “recolored” afterward by adding brown syrup or molasses.


Unrefined sugar indeed contains more minerals, but their total content is less than 1%. So to get a health benefit from eating unrefined sugar, you would have to eat several kilos of it. And that is anything but healthy!


2. How many calories does sugar have?

Normal sugar (sucrose) is a carbohydrate and contains 16.8 kilojoules per gram. That’s about four kilocalories per gram, the same amount as proteins have on average. By comparison, pure alcohol has around seven kilocalories per gram and fat nine.


Sugar is in practically everything we eat Milk, for example, has five percent (lactose, milk sugar), Coca-Cola ten percent, bread an average of five percent, dark chocolate between 20 and 40 percent, and milk chocolate often even over 50 percent. However, this does not mean that dark chocolate is automatically lower in calories: according to Stiftung Warentest, dark chocolate has around the same number of calories as milk chocolate – 550 kilocalories per 100 grams.


3. is sugar healthy or unhealthy?

The sweet crystals are the main cause of tooth decay. For teeth, sucrose is therefore mortal enemy number one.


Many people are aware that the white crystals are a calorie bomb. But as long as you don’t eat more sugar calories than you consume, you won’t put on weight. The problem is rarely the sucrose that we consciously eat or stir into our coffee, but the hidden sugar in food and the fact that many soft drinks contain too much sugar.

Studies on the subject have not been able to establish a direct link between sugar consumption and diabetes. However, there are indications of an indirect link. Fluctuations in blood sugar levels caused by increased consumption and obesity increase the risk of subsequent diabetes. This is another reason why many consumers now use alternatives in the form of aspartame, stevia, or xylitol.


4. is brown better than white?

Yes and no.


Brown sugar looks more “natural” because of its color. The brown color comes from the fact that the crystals have not yet been freed from all syrup residues. It is therefore simply a precursor to white sugar.


In terms of sweetness, brown sugar has just as many calories as white sugar and is just as bad for your teeth. It has a slightly more caramel-like taste than white sugar. As it contains a little more water, it does not keep quite as long as the white variety. However, it is not “healthier” – with one exception.

Brown sugar in cubes

It may look more natural, but it’s not always the case: brown sugar. The exception: brown sugar, also known as whole cane sugar, is made by pressing sugar cane as a crop, boiling it to make syrup, and then grinding it after cooling. There are no further processing steps. This is why whole cane sugar still contains most of the minerals in sugar cane juice and is even said to cause less tooth decay than refined crystals. The so-called raw cane sugar (muscovado) can be the same, as the term is not protected – but it can also be a comparatively refined, lighter version that is not as heavily refined as white industrial sugar.

Whole cane sugar tastes quite good but almost looks like dirt. Only this sugar is actually “better” than white sugar.

However, most “brown sugars” that want to give us the impression of being healthy are not whole cane sugar. You would also have to consume a lot of it to absorb any significant minerals.

5. The fattening agent and its many (camouflage) names

The food industry uses many names for the crystalline calorie bomb to make its products appear healthier. This article explains this in detail: Hidden sugar.

If you take a closer look at the list of ingredients, you should take note:

  • Glucose-fructose syrup,

  • dextrose,

  • sweet whey powder,

  • fruit sweetener,

  • barley malt extract

and many other seemingly harmless terms are just other names for the sweetener.


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